
The Immigrant’s Bay is a Digital News Publication by Noncitizens, for noncitizens. It focuses on reporting immigration news in Maryland and D.C.

Our Mission

To pull focus on the issues that immigrants face in our local D.C.-Maryland area. Often invisible, several immigrant communities occupy large pockets of D.C. and Maryland, and are affected by fluctuating visa policies made on a federal and state level. ImsBay reports on immigrant struggles and achievements, so that immigrants see themselves in the news, and Marylanders and D.C. residents can better know their fellow neighbors.

Our History

Jumpstarted by Athiyah Azeem, former reporter for Street Sense Media and Voice of America, and an international student living in Silver Spring, Maryland. When then-president Trump announced through a late night tweet he would curb visas during the coronavirus, she felt a lot of anxiety and worry about how this would affect her and her family. Knowing that many other immigrants in her local communities silently struggle with the same issues that she does, she started The Immigrant’s Bay.